View Full Version : Mortal Kombat X: Is the video game too violent even for its fans?

04-13-2015, 09:34 AM
http://i.cbc.ca/1.3027833.1428671384!/fileImage/httpImage/image.png_gen/derivatives/16x9_460/mortal-kombat-x-scorpion.png The Mortal Kombat video game series has always been synonymous with over-the-top violence. But Mortal Kombat X, due out tomorrow, has critics and fans wondering if it's gone too far with the stomach-churning gore.

More... (http://start.westnet.ca/newstempcb.php?article=technology/mortal-kombat-x-is-the-video-game-too-violent-even-for-its-fans-1.3027034)